{"series_id":"BM.GSR.TOTL.CD","series_name":"Imports of goods, services and primary income (current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Imports of goods, services and primary income is the sum of goods imports, service imports and primary income payments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"International Monetary Fund, Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook and data files."} {"series_id":"BN.CAB.XOKA.CD","series_name":"Current account balance (current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Current account balance is the sum of net exports of goods and services, net primary income, and net secondary income. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"International Monetary Fund, Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook and data files."} {"series_id":"BX.GRT.EXTA.CD.DT","series_name":"Grants, excluding technical cooperation (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Grants are defined as legally binding commitments that obligate a specific value of funds available for disbursement for which there is no repayment requirement. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"BX.GRT.TECH.CD.DT","series_name":"Technical cooperation grants (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Technical cooperation grants include free-standing technical cooperation grants, which are intended to finance the transfer of technical and managerial skills or of technology for the purpose of building up general national capacity without reference to any specific investment projects; and investment-related technical cooperation grants, which are provided to strengthen the capacity to execute specific investment projects. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"BX.GSR.TOTL.CD","series_name":"Exports of goods, services and primary income (current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Exports of goods, services and primary income is the sum of goods exports, service exports and primary income receipts. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"International Monetary Fund, Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook and data files."} {"series_id":"BX.KLT.DINV.CD.DT","series_name":"Foreign direct investment, net inflows in reporting economy (DRS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Foreign direct investment (net) shows the net change in foreign investment in the reporting country. Foreign direct investment is defined as investment that is made to acquire a lasting management interest (usually of 10 percent of voting stock) in an enterprise operating in a country other than that of the investor (defined according to residency), the investor's purpose being an effective voice in the management of the enterprise. It is the sum of equity capital, reinvestment of earnings, other long-term capital, and short-term capital as shown in the balance of payments. This series shows net inflows in the reporting economy. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"International Monetary Fund, Balance of Payments, supplemented by data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and official national sources. Data starting from 2005 are based the sixth edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6)."} {"series_id":"BX.KLT.DREM.CD.DT","series_name":"Primary income on FDI (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Primary income on foreign direct investment covers payments of direct investment income (debit side), which consist of income on equity (dividends, branch profits, and reinvested earnings) and income on the intercompany debt (interest). Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"International Monetary Fund, Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook."} {"series_id":"BX.PEF.TOTL.CD.DT","series_name":"Portfolio investment, equity (DRS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Portfolio equity includes net inflows from equity securities other than those recorded as direct investment and including shares, stocks, depository receipts (American or global), and direct purchases of shares in local stock markets by foreign investors. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"International Monetary Fund, Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook. Data starting from 2005 are based the sixth edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6)."} {"series_id":"BX.TRF.PWKR.CD.DT","series_name":"Personal transfers and compensation of employees, received (current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Personal remittances comprise personal transfers and compensation of employees. Personal transfers consist of all current transfers in cash or in kind made or received by resident households to or from nonresident households. Personal transfers thus include all current transfers between resident and nonresident individuals. Compensation of employees refers to the income of border, seasonal, and other short-term workers who are employed in an economy where they are not resident and of residents employed by nonresident entities. Data are the sum of two items defined in the sixth edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments Manual: personal transfers and compensation of employees. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank staff estimates based on IMF balance of payments data."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.BLAT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bilateral (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with bilateral creditors. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves.Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.BLAT.CD","series_name":"PPG, bilateral (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.BLAT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bilateral (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.BLAT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bilateral (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.BLAT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bilateral (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.BLAT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bilateral (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.BLTC.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bilateral concessional (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with bilateral creditors. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves.Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.BLTC.CD","series_name":"PPG, bilateral concessional (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.BLTC.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bilateral concessional (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General goverment bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.BLTC.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bilateral concessional (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.BLTC.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bilateral concessional (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.BLTC.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bilateral concessional (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.DECB.CD","series_name":"Principal repayments on external debt, central bank (PPG) (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank long-term debt are aggregated. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.DEGG.CD","series_name":"Principal repayments on external debt, general government sector (PPG) (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government long-term debt are aggregated. General government debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.DEPS.CD","series_name":"Principal repayments on external debt, public sector (PPG) (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector long-term debt are aggregated. Public sector debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.DIMF.CD","series_name":"IMF repurchases (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"IMF repurchases are total repayments of outstanding drawings from the General Resources Account during the year specified, excluding repayments due in the reserve tranche. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.DLTF.CD","series_name":"Principal repayments on external debt, long-term + IMF (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. This item includes principal repayments on long-term debt and IMF repurchases. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. IMF repurchases are total repayments of outstanding drawings from the General Resources Account during the year specified, excluding repayments due in the reserve tranche. To maintain comparability between data on transactions with the IMF and data on long-term debt, use of IMF credit outstanding at the end of year (stock) is converted to dollars at the SDR exchange rate in effect at the end of year. Repurchases (flows) are converted at the average SDR exchange rate for the year in which transactions take place. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.DLXF.CD","series_name":"Principal repayments on external debt, long-term (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Principal repayments on long-term debt are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.DOPS.CD","series_name":"Principal repayments on external debt, other public sector (PPG) (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector long-term debt are aggregated. Other public sector debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.DPNG.CD","series_name":"Principal repayments on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private nonguaranteed external debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is not guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.DPPG.CD","series_name":"Principal repayments on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed long-term debt are aggregated. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.MIBR.CD","series_name":"PPG, IBRD (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt outstanding from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is nonconcessional. Nonconcessional debt excludes loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.MIDA.CD","series_name":"PPG, IDA (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt outstanding from the International Development Association (IDA) is concessional. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.MLAT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, multilateral (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.MLAT.CD","series_name":"PPG, multilateral (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.MLAT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, multilateral (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.MLAT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, multilateral (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.MLAT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, multilateral (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.MLAT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, multilateral (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.MLTC.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, multilateral concessional (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.MLTC.CD","series_name":"PPG, multilateral concessional (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.MLTC.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, multilateral concessional (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.MLTC.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, multilateral concessional (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.MLTC.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, multilateral concessional (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.MLTC.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, multilateral concessional (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.OFFT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, official creditors (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.OFFT.CD","series_name":"PPG, official creditors (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.OFFT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, official creditors (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.OFFT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, official creditors (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.OFFT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, official creditors (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.OFFT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, official creditors (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PBND.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bonds (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt in form of bonds. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PBND.CD","series_name":"PPG, bonds (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PBND.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bonds (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PBND.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bonds (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PBND.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bonds (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PBND.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bonds (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PCBK.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, commercial banks (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with commercial banks. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PCBK.CD","series_name":"PPG, commercial banks (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PCBK.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, commercial banks (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PCBK.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, commercial banks (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PCBK.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, commercial banks (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PCBK.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, commercial banks (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PNGB.CD","series_name":"PNG, bonds (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Nonguaranteed long-term debt from bonds that are privately placed. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PNGC.CD","series_name":"PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Nonguaranteed long-term commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PROP.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, other private creditors (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PROP.CD","series_name":"PPG, other private creditors (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PROP.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, other private creditors (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PROP.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, other private creditors (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PROP.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, other private creditors (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PROP.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, other private creditors (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PRPG.CD","series_name":"Principal repayments on external debt, private guaranteed by public sector (PPG) (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector long-term debt are aggregated.Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PRVT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, private creditors (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt from private creditors. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PRVT.CD","series_name":"PPG, private creditors (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PRVT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, private creditors (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PRVT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, private creditors (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PRVT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, private creditors (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AMT.PRVT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, private creditors (AMT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AXA.DLXF.CD","series_name":"Principal arrears, long-term DOD","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Principal in arrears on long-term debt is defined as principal repayment due but not paid, on a cumulative basis. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AXA.OFFT.CD","series_name":"Principal arrears, official creditors (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Principal in arrears on long-term debt is defined as principal repayment due but not paid, on a cumulative basis. Debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AXA.PRVT.CD","series_name":"Principal arrears, private creditors (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Principal in arrears on long-term debt is defined as principal repayment due but not paid, on a cumulative basis. Debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AXF.DPPG.CD","series_name":"Principal forgiven (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Principal forgiven is the amount of principal due or in arrears that was written off or forgiven in any given year. It includes debt forgiven within and outside Paris Club agreements, principal forgiven and principal arrears forgiven. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AXR.DPPG.CD","series_name":"Principal rescheduled (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Principal rescheduled is the amount of principal due or in arrears that was rescheduled in any given year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AXR.OFFT.CD","series_name":"Principal rescheduled, official (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Principal rescheduled is the amount of principal due or in arrears that was rescheduled in any given year. Debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.AXR.PRVT.CD","series_name":"Principal rescheduled, private (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Principal rescheduled is the amount of principal due or in arrears that was rescheduled in any given year. Debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.COM.BLAT.CD","series_name":"Commitments, bilateral creditors (COM, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Bilateral commitments are the total amount of long-term loans for which contracts were signed in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.COM.DPPG.CD","series_name":"Commitments, public and publicly guaranteed (COM, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Commitments are the total amount of long-term loans for which contracts were signed in the year specified; data for private nonguaranteed debt are not available. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.COM.MIBR.CD","series_name":"Commitments, IBRD (COM, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Commitments (IBRD) are the sum of new commitments on public and publicly guaranteed loans from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.COM.MIDA.CD","series_name":"Commitments, IDA (COM, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Commitments (IDA) are the sum of new commitments on public and publicly guaranteed loans from the International Development Association (IDA). Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.COM.MLAT.CD","series_name":"Commitments, multilateral creditors (COM, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Multirateral commitments are the total amount of long-term loans for which contracts were signed in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.COM.OFFT.CD","series_name":"Commitments, official creditors (COM, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Commitments are the amount of long-term loans for which contracts were signed in the year specified. Debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.COM.PRVT.CD","series_name":"Commitments, private creditors (COM, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Commitments are the amount of long-term loans for which contracts were signed in the year specified; data for private nonguaranteed debt are not available. Debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.CUR.DMAK.ZS","series_name":"Currency composition of PPG debt, Deutsche mark (%)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"The percentage of external long-term public and publicly-guaranteed debt contracted in Deutsche marks for the low- and middle-income countries.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.CUR.EURO.ZS","series_name":"Currency composition of PPG debt, Euro (%)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"The percentage of external long-term public and publicly-guaranteed debt contracted in Euros for the low- and middle-income countries.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.CUR.FFRC.ZS","series_name":"Currency composition of PPG debt, French franc (%)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"The percentage of external long-term public and publicly-guaranteed debt contracted in French francs for the low- and middle-income countries.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.CUR.JYEN.ZS","series_name":"Currency composition of PPG debt, Japanese yen (%)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"The percentage of external long-term public and publicly-guaranteed debt contracted in Japanese yen for the low- and middle-income countries.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.CUR.MULC.ZS","series_name":"Currency composition of PPG debt, Multiple currencies (%)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"The percentage of external long-term public and publicly-guaranteed debt contracted in multiple currencies for the low- and middle-income countries.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.CUR.OTHC.ZS","series_name":"Currency composition of PPG debt, all other currencies (%)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"The percentage of external long-term public and publicly-guaranteed debt contracted in all other currencies not specified for the low- and middle-income countries.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.CUR.SDRW.ZS","series_name":"Currency composition of PPG debt, SDR (%)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"The percentage of external long-term public and publicly-guaranteed debt contracted in special drawing rights for the low- and middle-income countries.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.CUR.SWFR.ZS","series_name":"Currency composition of PPG debt, Swiss franc (%)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"The percentage of external long-term public and publicly-guaranteed debt contracted in Swiss francs for the low- and middle-income countries.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.CUR.UKPS.ZS","series_name":"Currency composition of PPG debt, Pound sterling (%)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"The percentage of external long-term public and publicly-guaranteed debt contracted in U.K. pound sterling for the low- and middle-income countries.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.CUR.USDL.ZS","series_name":"Currency composition of PPG debt, U.S. dollars (%)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"The percentage of external long-term public and publicly-guaranteed debt contracted in U.S. dollars for the low- and middle-income countries.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DFR.DPPG.CD","series_name":"Debt forgiveness or reduction (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Debt forgiveness or reduction shows the change in debt stock due to debt forgiveness or reduction. It is derived by subtracting debt forgiven and debt stock reduction from debt buyback. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.BLAT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bilateral (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with bilateral creditors. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.BLAT.CD","series_name":"PPG, bilateral (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.BLAT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bilateral (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.BLAT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bilateral (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.BLAT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bilateral (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.BLAT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bilateral (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.BLTC.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bilateral concessional (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with bilateral creditors. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.BLTC.CD","series_name":"PPG, bilateral concessional (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.BLTC.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bilateral concessional (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.BLTC.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bilateral concessional (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.BLTC.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bilateral concessional (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.BLTC.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bilateral concessional (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.DECB.CD","series_name":"Disbursements on external debt, central bank (PPG) (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank long-term debt are aggregated. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.DEGG.CD","series_name":"Disbursements on external debt, general government sector (PPG) (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government long-term debt are aggregated. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.DEPS.CD","series_name":"Disbursements on external debt, public sector (PPG) (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector long-term debt are aggregated. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.DIMF.CD","series_name":"IMF purchases (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"IMF purchases are total drawings on the General Resources Account of the IMF during the year specified, excluding drawings in the reserve tranche. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.DLTF.CD","series_name":"Disbursements on external debt, long-term + IMF (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. This item includes disbursements on long-term debt and IMF purchases. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. IMF purchases are total drawings on the General Resources Account of the IMF during the year specified, excluding drawings in the reserve tranche. To maintain comparability between data on transactions with the IMF and data on long-term debt, use of IMF credit outstanding at the end of year (stock) is converted to dollars at the SDR exchange rate in effect at the end of year. Purchases are converted at the average SDR exchange rate for the year in which transactions take place. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.DLXF.CD","series_name":"Disbursements on external debt, long-term (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Disbursements on long-term debt are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.DOPS.CD","series_name":"Disbursements on external debt, other public sector (PPG) (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector long-term debt are aggregated. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.DPNG.CD","series_name":"Disbursements on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private nonguaranteed external debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is not guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.DPPG.CD","series_name":"Disbursements on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed long-term debt are aggregated. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.IDAG.CD","series_name":"IDA grants (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"IDA grants are net disbursements of grants from the International Development Association (IDA). Data are in current U.S. dollars. Regional allocations are included in aggregate data.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.MIBR.CD","series_name":"PPG, IBRD (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt outstanding from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is nonconcessional. Nonconcessional debt excludes loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.MIDA.CD","series_name":"PPG, IDA (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt outstanding from the International Development Association (IDA) is concessional. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.MLAT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, multilateral (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.MLAT.CD","series_name":"PPG, multilateral (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.MLAT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, multilateral (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.MLAT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, multilateral (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.MLAT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, multilateral (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.MLAT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, multilateral (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.MLTC.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, multilateral concessional (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.MLTC.CD","series_name":"PPG, multilateral concessional (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.MLTC.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, multilateral concessional (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General goverment multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.MLTC.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, multilateral concessional (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.MLTC.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, multilateral concessional (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.MLTC.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, multilateral concessional (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.OFFT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, official creditors (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.OFFT.CD","series_name":"PPG, official creditors (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.OFFT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, official creditors (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.OFFT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, official creditors (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.OFFT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, official creditors (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.OFFT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, official creditors (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PBND.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bonds (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt in form of bonds. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PBND.CD","series_name":"PPG, bonds (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PBND.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bonds (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PBND.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bonds (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PBND.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bonds (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PBND.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bonds (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PCBK.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, commercial banks (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with commercial banks. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PCBK.CD","series_name":"PPG, commercial banks (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PCBK.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, commercial banks (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PCBK.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, commercial banks (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PCBK.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, commercial banks (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PCBK.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, commercial banks (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PNGB.CD","series_name":"PNG, bonds (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Nonguaranteed long-term debt from bonds that are privately placed. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PNGC.CD","series_name":"PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Nonguaranteed long-term commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PROP.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, other private creditors (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PROP.CD","series_name":"PPG, other private creditors (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PROP.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, other private creditors (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PROP.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, other private creditors (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PROP.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, other private creditors (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PROP.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, other private creditors (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PRPG.CD","series_name":"Disbursements on external debt, private guaranteed by public sector (PPG) (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector long-term debt are aggregated. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PRVT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, private creditors (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt from private creditors.The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PRVT.CD","series_name":"PPG, private creditors (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PRVT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, private creditors (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PRVT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, private creditors (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PRVT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, private creditors (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DIS.PRVT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, private creditors (DIS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Disbursements are drawings by the borrower on loan commitments during the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.ALLC.CD","series_name":"External debt stocks, concessional (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Concessional external debt conveys information about the borrower's receipt of aid from official lenders at concessional terms as defined by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the OECD. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Loans from major regional development banks--African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, and the Inter-American Development Bank--and from the World Bank are classified as concessional according to each institution's classification and not according to the DAC definition, as was the practice in earlier reports. Long-term debt outstanding and disbursed is the total outstanding long-term debt at year end. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.ALLC.ZS","series_name":"Concessional debt (% of total external debt)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Concessional debt to total external debt stocks. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.BLAT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bilateral (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with bilateral creditors. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.BLAT.CD","series_name":"PPG, bilateral (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.BLAT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bilateral (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General Government bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.BLAT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bilateral (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other Public Sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.BLAT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bilateral (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.BLAT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bilateral (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.BLTC.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bilateral concessional (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with bilateral creditors. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.BLTC.CD","series_name":"PPG, bilateral concessional (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.BLTC.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bilateral concessional (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.BLTC.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bilateral concessional (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.BLTC.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bilateral concessional (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.BLTC.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bilateral concessional (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Principal repayments are actual amounts of principal (amortization) paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.DECB.CD","series_name":"External debt stocks, central bank (PPG) (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central Bank debt position at end of the reference period. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves.Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.DECT.CD","series_name":"External debt stocks, total (DOD, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Total external debt is debt owed to nonresidents repayable in currency, goods, or services. Total external debt is the sum of public, publicly guaranteed, and private nonguaranteed long-term debt, use of IMF credit, and short-term debt. Short-term debt includes all debt having an original maturity of one year or less and interest in arrears on long-term debt. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.DECT.CD.CG","series_name":"Total change in external debt stocks (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Total change in debt stocks shows the variation in debt stock between two consecutive years. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.DECT.EX.ZS","series_name":"External debt stocks (% of exports of goods, services and primary income)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Total external debt stocks to exports of goods, services and primary income.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.DECT.GN.ZS","series_name":"External debt stocks (% of GNI)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Total external debt stocks to gross national income. Total external debt is debt owed to nonresidents repayable in currency, goods, or services. Total external debt is the sum of public, publicly guaranteed, and private nonguaranteed long-term debt, use of IMF credit, and short-term debt. Short-term debt includes all debt having an original maturity of one year or less and interest in arrears on long-term debt. GNI (formerly GNP) is the sum of value added by all resident producers plus any product taxes (less subsidies) not included in the valuation of output plus net receipts of primary income (compensation of employees and property income) from abroad.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.DECT.PC.CD","series_name":"Total external debt per capita (US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Total external debt is debt owed to nonresidents repayable in currency, goods, or services. Total external debt is the sum of public, publicly guaranteed, and private nonguaranteed long-term debt, use of IMF credit, and short-term debt. Short-term debt includes all debt having an original maturity of one year or less and interest in arrears on long-term debt. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.DEGG.CD","series_name":"External debt stocks, general government sector (PPG) (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General Government Sector comprises long-term external obligations of public debtors, including the national government of all levels, and political subdivisions (or an agency of either). Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.DEPS.CD","series_name":"External debt stocks, public sector (PPG) (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt comprises long-term external obligations of public debtors, including the national government of all levels, political subdivisions (or an agency of either), autonomous public bodies such as Public Corporations, State Owned Enterprises, Development Banks and Other Mixed Enterprises. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.DIMF.CD","series_name":"Use of IMF credit and SDR allocations (DOD, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Use of IMF Credit: Data related to the operations of the IMF are provided by the IMF Treasurer’s Department. They are converted from special drawing rights into dollars using end-of-period exchange rates for stocks and average-over-the-period exchange rates for flows. IMF trust fund operations under the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility, Extended Fund Facility, Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility, and Structural Adjustment Facility (Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility in 1999) are presented together with all of the IMF’s special facilities (buffer stock, supplemental reserve, compensatory and contingency facilities, oil facilities, and other facilities). SDR allocations are also included in this category. According to the BPM6, SDR allocations are recorded as the incurrence of a debt liability of the member receiving them (because of a requirement to repay the allocation in certain circumstances, and also because interest accrues). This debt item is introduced for the first time this year with historical data starting in 1999.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.DIMF.US.CD","series_name":"Use of IMF credit (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"","source_organization":""} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.DLXF.CD","series_name":"External debt stocks, long-term (DOD, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Long-term debt is debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year. It has three components: public, publicly guaranteed, and private nonguaranteed debt. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.DOPS.CD","series_name":"External debt stocks, other public sector (PPG) (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other Public Sector debt comprises long-term external obligations of public debtors, excluding general government. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.DPNG.CD","series_name":"External debt stocks, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (DOD, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Private nonguaranteed external debt comprises long-term external obligations of private debtors that are not guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.DPPG.CD","series_name":"External debt stocks, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (DOD, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt comprises long-term external obligations of public debtors, including the national government, Public Corporations, State Owned Enterprises, Development Banks and Other Mixed Enterprises, political subdivisions (or an agency of either), autonomous public bodies, and external obligations of private debtors that are guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.DSDR.CD","series_name":"SDR allocations (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"SDR allocations are also included in this category. According to the BPM6, SDR allocations are recorded as the incurrence of a debt liability of the member receiving them (because of a requirement to repay the allocation in certain circumstances, and also because interest accrues). This debt item is introduced for the first time this year with historical data starting in 1999.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.DSTC.CD","series_name":"External debt stocks, short-term (DOD, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Short-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original maturity of one year or less. Available data permit no distinction between public and private nonguaranteed short-term debt. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.DSTC.ZS","series_name":"Short-term debt (% of total external debt)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Short-term debt includes all debt having an original maturity of one year or less and interest in arrears on long-term debt. Total external debt is debt owed to nonresidents repayable in currency, goods, or services. Total external debt is the sum of public, publicly guaranteed, and private nonguaranteed long-term debt, use of IMF credit, and short-term debt.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.MDRI.CD","series_name":"Debt forgiveness grants (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Debt forgiveness grants data cover both debt cancelled by agreement between debtor and creditor and a reduction in the net present value of non-ODA debt achieved by concessional rescheduling or refinancing. The data are on a disbursement basis and cover flows from all bilateral and multilateral donors. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.MIBR.CD","series_name":"PPG, IBRD (DOD, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt outstanding from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is nonconcessional. Nonconcessional debt excludes loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.MIDA.CD","series_name":"PPG, IDA (DOD, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt outstanding from the International Development Association (IDA) is concessional. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.MLAT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, multilateral (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments.The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.MLAT.CD","series_name":"PPG, multilateral (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.MLAT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, multilateral (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.MLAT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, multilateral (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.MLAT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, multilateral (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.MLAT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, multilateral (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector multilateral creditors are international financial institutions such as the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies whose lending is administered on a multilateral basis. Funds administered by an international financial organization on behalf of a single donor government constitute bilateral loans (or grants). For lending by a number of multilateral creditors, the data presented in this publication are taken from the creditors’ records. Such creditors include the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the IDB, IBRD, and IDA. (IBRD and IDA are institutions of the World Bank.) Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.MLAT.ZS","series_name":"Multilateral debt (% of total external debt)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Multilateral debt to total external debt stocks.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.MLTC.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, multilateral concessional (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.MLTC.CD","series_name":"PPG, multilateral concessional (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.MLTC.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, multilateral concessional (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.MLTC.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, multilateral concessional (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.MLTC.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, multilateral concessional (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.MLTC.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, multilateral concessional (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector guaranteed multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.OFFT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, official creditors (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments.The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.OFFT.CD","series_name":"PPG, official creditors (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.OFFT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, official creditors (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.OFFT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, official creditors (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.OFFT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, official creditors (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by public sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.OFFT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, official creditors (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PBND.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bonds (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt in form of bonds. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PBND.CD","series_name":"PPG, bonds (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PBND.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bonds (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PBND.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bonds (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PBND.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bonds (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by public sector debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PBND.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bonds (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PCBK.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, commercial banks (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with commercial banks. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PCBK.CD","series_name":"PPG, commercial banks (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PCBK.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, commercial banks (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PCBK.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, commercial banks (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PCBK.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, commercial banks (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by public sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PCBK.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, commercial banks (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Commercial bank loans are loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PNGB.CD","series_name":"PNG, bonds (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Nonguaranteed long-term debt from bonds that are privately placed. Private nonguaranteed long-term debt outstanding and disbursed is an external obligation of a private debtor that is not guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PNGC.CD","series_name":"PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Nonguaranteed long-term commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Private nonguaranteed long-term debt outstanding and disbursed is an external obligation of a private debtor that is not guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PROP.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, other private creditors (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PROP.CD","series_name":"PPG, other private creditors (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PROP.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, other private creditors (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PROP.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, other private creditors (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PROP.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, other private creditors (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by public sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PROP.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, other private creditors (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PRPG.CD","series_name":"External debt stocks, private guaranteed by public sector (PPG) (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt comprises external obligations of private debtors that are guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PRVS.CD","series_name":"External debt stocks, long-term private sector (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Long-term private sector external debt conveys information about the distribution of long-term debt for DRS countries by type of debtor (private banks and private entities). Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PRVT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, private creditors (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt from private creditors.The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PRVT.CD","series_name":"PPG, private creditors (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PRVT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, private creditors (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PRVT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, private creditors (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PRVT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, private creditors (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by public sector debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PRVT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, private creditors (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private creditors include commercial banks, bondholders, and other private creditors. This line includes only publicly guaranteed creditors. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PUBS.CD","series_name":"External debt stocks, long-term public sector (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Long-term public sector external debt conveys information about the distribution of long-term debt for DRS countries by type of debtor (central government, state and local government, central bank, public and mixed enterprises, and official development banks). Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PVLX.CD","series_name":"Present value of external debt (current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Present value of debt is the sum of short-term external debt plus the discounted sum of total debt service payments due on public, publicly guaranteed, and private nonguaranteed long-term external debt over the life of existing loans. This calculation assumes that the PV of loans with a negative grant element is equal to the nominal value of the loan. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PVLX.EX.ZS","series_name":"Present value of debt (% of exports of goods, services and primary income)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Present value of debt is the sum of short-term external debt plus the discounted sum of total debt service payments due on public, publicly guaranteed, and private nonguaranteed long-term external debt over the life of existing loans. This calculation assumes that the PV of loans with a negative grant element is equal to the nominal value of the loan. The exports denominator is a three-year average.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.PVLX.GN.ZS","series_name":"Present value of debt (% of GNI)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Present value of debt is the sum of short-term external debt plus the discounted sum of total debt service payments due on public, publicly guaranteed, and private nonguaranteed long-term external debt over the life of existing loans. This calculation assumes that the PV of loans with a negative grant element is equal to the nominal value of the loan. The GNI denominator is a three-year average.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.RSDL.CD","series_name":"Residual, debt stock-flow reconciliation (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"The residual difference, i.e. the change in stock not explained by any of the factors identified under debt stock-flow reconciliation, is calculated as the sum of identified accounts minus the change in stock. Where the latter is large it can, in some cases, serve as an illustration of the inconsistencies in the reported data. More often however, it can be explained by specific borrowing phenomenon in individual countries. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DOD.VTOT.CD","series_name":"External debt stocks, variable rate (DOD, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Variable interest rate is long-term external debt with interest rates that float with movements in a key market rate; for example, the London interbank offered rate (LIBOR) or the U.S. prime rate. This item conveys information about the borrower's exposure to changes in international interest rates. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DSB.DPPG.CD","series_name":"Debt buyback (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Debt buyback is the repurchase by a debtor of its own debt, discounted or at par. In the event of a buyback of long-term debt, the face value of the debt bought back will be recorded as a decline in the long-term debt stock, and the cash amount received by creditors will be recorded as a principal repayment. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DSF.DPPG.CD","series_name":"Debt stock reduction (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Debt stock reductions show the amount that has been netted out of the stock of debt using debt conversion schemes such as buybacks and equity swaps or the discounted value of long-term bonds that were issued in exchange for outstanding debt. It includes the effect of any financial operation that will reduce the debt stock other than debt stock restructuring, repayment of principal and debt forgiven. In particular, debt stock reduction will include the face value of debt bought back, the face value of debt swapped for equity (or \"nature\" or \"development\"), any face value reduction that might result as the consequence of a bond exchange, and any face value reduction resulting from an exchange of debt for discount bonds. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.DXR.DPPG.CD","series_name":"Debt stock rescheduled (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Debt stocks rescheduled is the amount of debt outstanding rescheduled in any given year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.GPA.DPPG","series_name":"Average grace period on new external debt commitments (years)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Grace period is the period from the date of signature of the loan or the issue of the financial instrument to the first repayment of principal. To obtain the average, the grace periods for all public and publicly guaranteed loans have been weighted by the amounts of the loans. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.GPA.OFFT","series_name":"Average grace period on new external debt commitments, official (years)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Grace period is the period from the date of signature of the loan or the issue of the financial instrument to the first repayment of principal. To obtain the average, the grace periods for all public and publicly guaranteed loans have been weighted by the amounts of the loans. Debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.GPA.PRVT","series_name":"Average grace period on new external debt commitments, private (years)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Grace period is the period from the date of signature of the loan or the issue of the financial instrument to the first repayment of principal. To obtain the average, the grace periods for all public and publicly guaranteed loans have been weighted by the amounts of the loans. Debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.GRE.DPPG","series_name":"Average grant element on new external debt commitments (%)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. To obtain the average, the grant elements for all public and publicly guaranteed loans have been weighted by the amounts of the loans. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 10 percent. Commitments cover the total amount of loans for which contracts were signed in the year specified. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Data for private nonguaranteed debt are not available.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.GRE.OFFT","series_name":"Average grant element on new external debt commitments, official (%)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. To obtain the average, the grant elements for all public and publicly guaranteed loans have been weighted by the amounts of the loans. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 10 percent. Commitments cover the total amount of loans for which contracts were signed in the year specified. Debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.GRE.PRVT","series_name":"Average grant element on new external debt commitments, private (%)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. To obtain the average, the grant elements for all public and publicly guaranteed loans have been weighted by the amounts of the loans. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 10 percent. Commitments cover the total amount of loans for which contracts were signed in the year specified. Debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INR.DPPG","series_name":"Average interest on new external debt commitments (%)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Interest represents the average interest rate on all new public and publicly guaranteed loans contracted during the year. To obtain the average, the interest rates for all public and publicly guaranteed loans have been weighted by the amounts of the loans. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INR.OFFT","series_name":"Average interest on new external debt commitments, official (%)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Interest represents the average interest rate on all new public and publicly guaranteed loans contracted during the year. To obtain the average, the interest rates for all public and publicly guaranteed loans have been weighted by the amounts of the loans. Debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INR.PRVT","series_name":"Average interest on new external debt commitments, private (%)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Interest represents the average interest rate on all new public and publicly guaranteed loans contracted during the year. To obtain the average, the interest rates for all public and publicly guaranteed loans have been weighted by the amounts of the loans. Debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.BLAT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bilateral (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with bilateral creditors. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.BLAT.CD","series_name":"PPG, bilateral (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.BLAT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bilateral (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.BLAT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bilateral (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.BLAT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bilateral (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sectorbilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.BLAT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bilateral (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.BLTC.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bilateral concessional (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with bilateral creditors. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.BLTC.CD","series_name":"PPG, bilateral concessional (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.BLTC.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bilateral concessional (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.BLTC.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bilateral concessional (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.BLTC.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bilateral concessional (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.BLTC.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bilateral concessional (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.DECB.CD","series_name":"Interest payments on external debt, central bank (PPG) (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank long-term debt are aggregated. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.DECT.CD","series_name":"Interest payments on external debt, total (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. This item includes interest paid on long-term debt, IMF charges, and interest paid on short-term debt. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Short-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original maturity of one year or less. Available data permit no distinction between public and private nonguaranteed short-term debt. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.DECT.EX.ZS","series_name":"Interest payments on external debt (% of exports of goods, services and primary income)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Total interest payments to exports of goods, services and primary income. Total interest payment is the sum of interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services on long-term debt, interest paid on short-term debt, and charges to the IMF.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.DECT.GN.ZS","series_name":"Interest payments on external debt (% of GNI)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Total interest payments to gross national income.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.DEGG.CD","series_name":"Interest payments on external debt, general government sector (PPG) (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government long-term debt are aggregated. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.DEPS.CD","series_name":"Interest payments on external debt, public sector (PPG) (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector long-term debt are aggregated. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.DIMF.CD","series_name":"IMF charges (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"IMF charges cover interest payments with respect to all uses of IMF resources, excluding those resulting from drawings in the reserve tranche. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.DLXF.CD","series_name":"Interest payments on external debt, long-term (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Interest payments on long-term debt are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.DOPS.CD","series_name":"Interest payments on external debt, other public sector (PPG) (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector long-term debt are aggregated. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.DPNG.CD","series_name":"Interest payments on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private nonguaranteed external debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is not guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.DPPG.CD","series_name":"Interest payments on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed long-term debt are aggregated. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.DSTC.CD","series_name":"Interest payments on external debt, short-term (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Interest payments on short-term debt are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. This item includes interest paid on long-term debt, IMF charges, and interest paid on short-term debt. Short-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original maturity of one year or less. Available data permit no distinction between public and private nonguaranteed short-term debt. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.MIBR.CD","series_name":"PPG, IBRD (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt outstanding from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is nonconcessional. Nonconcessional debt excludes loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.MIDA.CD","series_name":"PPG, IDA (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt outstanding from the International Development Association (IDA) is concessional. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.MLAT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, multilateral (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments.The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.MLAT.CD","series_name":"PPG, multilateral (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.MLAT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, multilateral (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.MLAT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, multilateral (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.MLAT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, multilateral (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.MLAT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, multilateral (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.MLTC.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, multilateral concessional (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.MLTC.CD","series_name":"PPG, multilateral concessional (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.MLTC.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, multilateral concessional (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.MLTC.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, multilateral concessional (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.MLTC.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, multilateral concessional (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.MLTC.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, multilateral concessional (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.OFFT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, official creditors (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.OFFT.CD","series_name":"PPG, official creditors (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.OFFT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, official creditors (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.OFFT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, official creditors (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.OFFT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, official creditors (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.OFFT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, official creditors (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PBND.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bonds (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt in form of bonds. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PBND.CD","series_name":"PPG, bonds (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PBND.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bonds (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PBND.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bonds (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PBND.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bonds (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PBND.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bonds (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PCBK.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, commercial banks (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with commercial banks. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PCBK.CD","series_name":"PPG, commercial banks (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PCBK.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, commercial banks (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PCBK.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, commercial banks (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other oublic sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PCBK.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, commercial banks (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PCBK.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, commercial banks (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PNGB.CD","series_name":"PNG, bonds (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Nonguaranteed long-term debt from bonds that are privately placed. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PNGC.CD","series_name":"PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Nonguaranteed long-term commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PROP.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, other private creditors (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PROP.CD","series_name":"PPG, other private creditors (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PROP.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, other private creditors (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PROP.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, other private creditors (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PROP.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, other private creditors (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PROP.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, other private creditors (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PRPG.CD","series_name":"Interest payments on external debt, private guaranteed by public sector (PPG) (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector long-term debt are aggregated. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PRVT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, private creditors (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt from private creditors. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PRVT.CD","series_name":"PPG, private creditors (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PRVT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, private creditors (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PRVT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, private creditors (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PRVT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, private creditors (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.INT.PRVT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, private creditors (INT, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Interest payments are actual amounts of interest paid by the borrower in currency, goods, or services in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.IXA.DLXF.CD","series_name":"Interest arrears, long-term DOD","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Interest in arrears on long-term debt is defined as interest payment due but not paid, on a cumulative basis. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.IXA.DPPG.CD.CG","series_name":"Net change in interest arrears (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Net change in interest arrears is the variation in the total amount of interest in arrears between two consecutive years. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.IXA.OFFT.CD","series_name":"Interest arrears, official creditors (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Interest in arrears on long-term debt is defined as interest payment due but not paid, on a cumulative basis. Debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.IXA.PRVT.CD","series_name":"Interest arrears, private creditors (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Interest in arrears on long-term debt is defined as interest payment due but not paid, on a cumulative basis. Debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.IXF.DPPG.CD","series_name":"Interest forgiven (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Interest forgiven is the amount of interest due or in arrears that was written off or forgiven in any given year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.IXR.DPPG.CD","series_name":"Interest rescheduled (capitalized) (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Interest rescheduled is the amount of interest due or in arrears that was rescheduled in any given year. (Interest capitalized is the interest that became part of the stock of debt due to a rescheduling operation.) Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.IXR.OFFT.CD","series_name":"Interest rescheduled, official (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Interest rescheduled is the amount of interest due or in arrears that was rescheduled in any given year. Debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organizations include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.IXR.PRVT.CD","series_name":"Interest rescheduled, private (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Interest rescheduled is the amount of interest due or in arrears that was rescheduled in any given year. Debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.MAT.DPPG","series_name":"Average maturity on new external debt commitments (years)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Maturity is the number of years to original maturity date, which is the sum of grace and repayment periods. Grace period for principal is the period from the date of signature of the loan or the issue of the financial instrument to the first repayment of principal. The repayment period is the period from the first to last repayment of principal. To obtain the average, the maturity for all public and publicly guaranteed loans have been weighted by the amounts of the loans. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.MAT.OFFT","series_name":"Average maturity on new external debt commitments, official (years)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Maturity is the number of years to original maturity date, which is the sum of grace and repayment periods. Grace period for principal is the period from the date of signature of the loan or the issue of the financial instrument to the first repayment of principal. The repayment period is the period from the first to last repayment of principal. To obtain the average, the maturity for all public and publicly guaranteed loans have been weighted by the amounts of the loans. Debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.MAT.PRVT","series_name":"Average maturity on new external debt commitments, private (years)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Maturity is the number of years to original maturity date, which is the sum of grace and repayment periods. Grace period for principal is the period from the date of signature of the loan or the issue of the financial instrument to the first repayment of principal. The repayment period is the period from the first to last repayment of principal. To obtain the average, the maturity for all public and publicly guaranteed loans have been weighted by the amounts of the loans. Debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.BLAT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bilateral (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with bilateral creditors. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.BLAT.CD","series_name":"Net financial flows, bilateral (NFL, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.BLAT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bilateral (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.BLAT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bilateral (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.BLAT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bilateral (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.BLAT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bilateral (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.BLTC.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bilateral concessional (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with bilateral creditors. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.BLTC.CD","series_name":"PPG, bilateral concessional (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.BLTC.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bilateral concessional (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.BLTC.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bilateral concessional (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.BLTC.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bilateral concessional (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.BLTC.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bilateral concessional (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.DECB.CD","series_name":"Net flows on external debt, central bank (PPG) (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank long-term debt are aggregated. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.DECT.CD","series_name":"Net flows on external debt, total (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Net flows on external debt are disbursements on long-term external debt and IMF purchases minus principal repayments on long-term external debt and IMF repurchases up to 1984. Beginning in 1985 this line includes the change in stock of short-term debt (including interest arrears for long-term debt). Thus, if the change in stock is positive, a disbursement is assumed to have taken place; if negative, a repayment is assumed to have taken place. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.DEGG.CD","series_name":"Net flows on external debt, general government sector (PPG) (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government long-term debt are aggregated. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.DEPS.CD","series_name":"Net flows on external debt, public sector (PPG) (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector long-term debt are aggregated. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.DLXF.CD","series_name":"Net flows on external debt, long-term (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.DOPS.CD","series_name":"Net flows on external debt, other public sector (PPG) (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector long-term debt are aggregated. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.DPNG.CD","series_name":"Net flows on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (NFL, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Private nonguaranteed external debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is not guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.DPPG.CD","series_name":"Net flows on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed long-term debt are aggregated. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.DSTC.CD","series_name":"Net flows on external debt, short-term (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Short-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original maturity of one year or less. Available data permit no distinction between public and private nonguaranteed short-term debt. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.IMFC.CD","series_name":"Net financial flows, IMF concessional (NFL, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Net financial flows received by the borrower during the year are disbursements of loans and credits less repayments of principal. IMF is the International Monetary Fund, which provides concessional lending through the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility and the IMF Trust Fund. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.IMFN.CD","series_name":"Net financial flows, IMF nonconcessional (NFL, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Net financial flows received by the borrower during the year are disbursements of loans and credits less repayments of principal. IMF is the International Monetary Fund, which provides nonconcessional lending through the credit it provides to its members, mainly to meet balance of payments needs. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.MIBR.CD","series_name":"Net financial flows, IBRD (NFL, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Net financial flows received by the borrower during the year are disbursements of loans and credits less repayments of principal. IBRD is the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the founding and largest member of the World Bank Group. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.MIDA.CD","series_name":"Net financial flows, IDA (NFL, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Net financial flows received by the borrower during the year are disbursements of loans and credits less repayments of principal. IDA is the International Development Association, the concessional loan window of the World Bank Group. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.MLAT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, multilateral (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments.The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.MLAT.CD","series_name":"Net financial flows, multilateral (NFL, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.MLAT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, multilateral (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.MLAT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, multilateral (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.MLAT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, multilateral (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.MLAT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, multilateral (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.MLTC.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, multilateral concessional (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.MLTC.CD","series_name":"PPG, multilateral concessional (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.MLTC.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, multilateral concessional (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.MLTC.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, multilateral concessional (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.MLTC.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, multilateral concessional (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.MLTC.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, multilateral concessional (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.MOTH.CD","series_name":"Net financial flows, others (NFL, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Net financial flows received by the borrower during the year are disbursements of loans and credits less repayments of principal. Others is a residual category in the World Bank's Debtor Reporting System. It includes such institutions as the Caribbean Development Fund, Council of Europe, European Development Fund, Islamic Development Bank, Nordic Development Fund, and the like. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.NEBR.CD","series_name":"EBRD, private nonguaranteed (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Nonguaranteed long-term debt privately placed from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.NIFC.CD","series_name":"IFC, private nonguaranteed (NFL, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Nonguaranteed long-term debt privately placed from the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.OFFT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, official creditors (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments.The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.OFFT.CD","series_name":"PPG, official creditors (NFL, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.OFFT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, official creditors (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.OFFT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, official creditors (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.OFFT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, official creditors (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.OFFT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, official creditors (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PBND.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bonds (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt in form of bonds.The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PBND.CD","series_name":"PPG, bonds (NFL, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PBND.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bonds (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PBND.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bonds (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PBND.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bonds (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sectordebt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PBND.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bonds (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PCBK.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, commercial banks (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with commercial banks. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PCBK.CD","series_name":"PPG, commercial banks (NFL, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PCBK.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, commercial banks (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PCBK.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, commercial banks (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PCBK.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, commercial banks (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PCBK.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, commercial banks (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PNGB.CD","series_name":"PNG, bonds (NFL, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Nonguaranteed long-term debt from bonds that are privately placed. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PNGC.CD","series_name":"PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (NFL, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Nonguaranteed long-term commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PROP.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, other private creditors (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PROP.CD","series_name":"PPG, other private creditors (NFL, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PROP.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, other private creditors (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PROP.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, other private creditors (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PROP.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, other private creditors (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PROP.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, other private creditors (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PRPG.CD","series_name":"Net flows on external debt, private guaranteed by public sector (PPG) (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector long-term debt are aggregated. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PRVT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, private creditors (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt from private creditors.The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PRVT.CD","series_name":"PPG, private creditors (NFL, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PRVT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, private creditors (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PRVT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, private creditors (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PRVT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, private creditors (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.PRVT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, private creditors (NFL, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net flows (or net lending or net disbursements) received by the borrower during the year are disbursements minus principal repayments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.RDBC.CD","series_name":"Net financial flows, RDB concessional (NFL, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Net financial flows received by the borrower during the year are disbursements of loans and credits less repayments of principal. Concessional financial flows cover disbursements made through concessional lending facilities. Regional development banks are the African Development Bank, in Tunis, Tunisia, which serves all of Africa, including North Africa; the Asian Development Bank, in Manila, Philippines, which serves South and Central Asia and East Asia and Pacific; the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, in London, United Kingdom, which serves Europe and Central Asia; and the Inter-American Development Bank, in Washington, D.C., which serves the Americas. Aggregates include amounts for economies not specified elsewhere. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NFL.RDBN.CD","series_name":"Net financial flows, RDB nonconcessional (NFL, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Net financial flows received by the borrower during the year are disbursements of loans and credits less repayments of principal. Nonconcessional financial flows cover all disbursements except those made through concessional lending facilities. Regional development banks are the African Development Bank, in Tunis, Tunisia, which serves all of Africa, including North Africa; the Asian Development Bank, in Manila, Philippines, which serves South and Central Asia and East Asia and Pacific; the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, in London, United Kingdom, which serves Europe and Central Asia; and the Inter-American Development Bank, in Washington, D.C., which serves the Americas. Aggregates include amounts for economies not specified elsewhere. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.BLAT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bilateral (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with bilateral creditors. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Net transfers on external debt are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.BLAT.CD","series_name":"PPG, bilateral (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.BLAT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bilateral (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.BLAT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bilateral (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.BLAT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bilateral (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.BLAT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bilateral (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.BLTC.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bilateral concessional (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with bilateral creditors. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net transfers on external debt are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.BLTC.CD","series_name":"PPG, bilateral concessional (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.BLTC.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bilateral concessional (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.BLTC.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bilateral concessional (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.BLTC.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bilateral concessional (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.BLTC.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bilateral concessional (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.DECB.CD","series_name":"Net transfers on external debt, central bank (PPG) (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Net transfers on external debt are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.DECT.CD","series_name":"Net transfers on external debt, total (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Net transfers on external debt are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.DEGG.CD","series_name":"Net transfers on external debt, general government sector (PPG) (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.DEPS.CD","series_name":"Net transfers on external debt, public sector (PPG) (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.DLXF.CD","series_name":"Net transfers on external debt, long-term (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.DOPS.CD","series_name":"Net transfers on external debt, other public sector (PPG) (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.DPNG.CD","series_name":"Net transfers on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private nonguaranteed external debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is not guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.DPPG.CD","series_name":"Net transfers on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.MIBR.CD","series_name":"PPG, IBRD (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt outstanding from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is nonconcessional. Nonconcessional debt excludes loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.MIDA.CD","series_name":"PPG, IDA (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt outstanding from the International Development Association (IDA) is concessional. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.MLAT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, multilateral (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments.The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Net transfers on external debt are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.MLAT.CD","series_name":"PPG, multilateral (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.MLAT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, multilateral (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.MLAT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, multilateral (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.MLAT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, multilateral (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.MLAT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, multilateral (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.MLTC.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, multilateral concessional (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net transfers on external debt are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.MLTC.CD","series_name":"PPG, multilateral concessional (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.MLTC.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, multilateral concessional (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.MLTC.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, multilateral concessional (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.MLTC.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, multilateral concessional (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.MLTC.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, multilateral concessional (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.OFFT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, official creditors (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments.The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Net transfers on external debt are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.OFFT.CD","series_name":"PPG, official creditors (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.OFFT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, official creditors (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.OFFT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, official creditors (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.OFFT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, official creditors (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.OFFT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, official creditors (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PBND.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bonds (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt in form of bonds.The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Net transfers on external debt are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PBND.CD","series_name":"PPG, bonds (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PBND.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bonds (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PBND.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bonds (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PBND.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bonds (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PBND.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bonds (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PCBK.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, commercial banks (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with commercial banks. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Net transfers on external debt are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PCBK.CD","series_name":"PPG, commercial banks (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PCBK.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, commercial banks (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PCBK.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, commercial banks (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PCBK.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, commercial banks (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PCBK.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, commercial banks (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PNGB.CD","series_name":"PNG, bonds (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Nonguaranteed long-term debt from bonds that are privately placed. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PNGC.CD","series_name":"PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Nonguaranteed long-term commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PROP.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, other private creditors (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Net transfers on external debt are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PROP.CD","series_name":"PPG, other private creditors (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PROP.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, other private creditors (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PROP.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, other private creditors (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PROP.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, other private creditors (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sectorother private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PROP.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, other private creditors (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PRPG.CD","series_name":"Net transfers on external debt, private guaranteed by public sector (PPG) (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PRVT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, private creditors (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt from private creditors. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Net transfers on external debt are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PRVT.CD","series_name":"PPG, private creditors (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PRVT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, private creditors (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PRVT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, private creditors (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PRVT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, private creditors (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.NTR.PRVT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, private creditors (NTR, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Net transfers are net flows minus interest payments during the year; negative transfers show net transfers made by the borrower to the creditor during the year. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.BLAT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bilateral (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with bilateral creditors. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.BLAT.CD","series_name":"PPG, bilateral (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.BLAT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bilateral (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.BLAT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bilateral (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.BLAT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bilateral (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.BLAT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bilateral (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.BLTC.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bilateral concessional (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with bilateral creditors. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.BLTC.CD","series_name":"PPG, bilateral concessional (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.BLTC.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bilateral concessional (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.BLTC.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bilateral concessional (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.BLTC.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bilateral concessional (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.BLTC.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bilateral concessional (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.DECB.CD","series_name":"Debt service on external debt, central bank (PPG) (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt service is the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services on long-term obligations of public debtors and long-term private obligations guaranteed by a public entity.The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.DECT.CD","series_name":"Debt service on external debt, total (TDS, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Total debt service is the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services on long-term debt, interest paid on short-term debt, and repayments (repurchases and charges) to the IMF. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.DECT.EX.ZS","series_name":"Total debt service (% of exports of goods, services and primary income)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Total debt service to exports of goods, services and primary income. Total debt service is the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services on long-term debt, interest paid on short-term debt, and repayments (repurchases and charges) to the IMF.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.DEGG.CD","series_name":"Debt service on external debt, general government sector (PPG) (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt service is the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services on long-term obligations of public debtors and long-term private obligations guaranteed by a public entity. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.DEPS.CD","series_name":"Debt service on external debt, public sector (PPG) (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt service is the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services on long-term obligations of public debtors and long-term private obligations guaranteed by a public entity. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.DIMF.CD","series_name":"IMF repurchases and charges (TDS, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"IMF repurchases are total repayments of outstanding drawings from the General Resources Account during the year specified, excluding repayments due in the reserve tranche. IMF charges cover interest payments with respect to all uses of IMF resources, excluding those resulting from drawings in the reserve tranche. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.DLXF.CD","series_name":"Debt service on external debt, long-term (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.DOPS.CD","series_name":"Debt service on external debt, other public sector (PPG) (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt service is the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services on long-term obligations of public debtors and long-term private obligations guaranteed by a public entity. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.DPNG.CD","series_name":"Debt service on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private nonguaranteed debt service is an external obligation of a private debtor that is not guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.DPPG.CD","series_name":"Debt service on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (TDS, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt service is the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services on long-term obligations of public debtors and long-term private obligations guaranteed by a public entity. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.MIBR.CD","series_name":"PPG, IBRD (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt outstanding from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is nonconcessional. Nonconcessional debt excludes loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.MIDA.CD","series_name":"PPG, IDA (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt outstanding from the International Development Association (IDA) is concessional. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.MLAT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, multilateral (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments.The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.MLAT.CD","series_name":"Multilateral debt service (TDS, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.MLAT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, multilateral (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.MLAT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, multilateral (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.MLAT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, multilateral (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.MLAT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, multilateral (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.MLTC.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, multilateral concessional (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.MLTC.CD","series_name":"PPG, multilateral concessional (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.MLTC.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, multilateral concessional (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.MLTC.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, multilateral concessional (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.MLTC.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, multilateral concessional (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.MLTC.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, multilateral concessional (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.OFFT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, official creditors (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments.The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.OFFT.CD","series_name":"PPG, official creditors (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.OFFT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, official creditors (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General goverment debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.OFFT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, official creditors (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.OFFT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, official creditors (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.OFFT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, official creditors (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PBND.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, bonds (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt in form of bonds.The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PBND.CD","series_name":"PPG, bonds (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PBND.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, bonds (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PBND.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, bonds (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PBND.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, bonds (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PBND.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, bonds (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PCBK.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, commercial banks (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank bilateral debt includes Central bank debt with commercial banks.The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PCBK.CD","series_name":"PPG, commercial banks (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PCBK.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, commercial banks (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PCBK.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, commercial banks (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PCBK.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, commercial banks (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PCBK.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, commercial banks (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PNGB.CD","series_name":"PNG, bonds (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Nonguaranteed long-term debt from bonds that are privately placed. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PNGC.CD","series_name":"PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Nonguaranteed long-term commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PROP.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, other private creditors (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PROP.CD","series_name":"PPG, other private creditors (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PROP.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, other private creditors (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PROP.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, other private creditors (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PROP.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, other private creditors (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PROP.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, other private creditors (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PRPG.CD","series_name":"Debt service on external debt, private guaranteed by public sector (PPG) (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector debt service is the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services on long-term obligations of public debtors and long-term private obligations guaranteed by a public entity. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PRVT.CB.CD","series_name":"CB, private creditors (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Central bank debt from private creditors. The central bank is the financial institution (or institutions) that exercises control over key aspects of the financial system. The monetary authority, normally the agency that issues currency and holds the country’s international reserves. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PRVT.CD","series_name":"PPG, private creditors (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public and publicly guaranteed debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PRVT.GG.CD","series_name":"GG, private creditors (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"General government guaranteed debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PRVT.OPS.CD","series_name":"OPS, private creditors (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Other public sector guaranteed debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PRVT.PRVG.CD","series_name":"PRVG, private creditors (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Private sector guaranteed by Public Sector guaranteed debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TDS.PRVT.PS.CD","series_name":"PS, private creditors (TDS, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Public sector guaranteed debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.TXR.DPPG.CD","series_name":"Total amount of debt rescheduled (current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Total amount of debt rescheduled includes the debt stock, principal, interest, charges and penalties rescheduled. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.UND.DPPG.CD","series_name":"Undisbursed external debt, total (UND, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Undisbursed debt is the total public and publicly guaranteed debt undrawn at year end; data for private nonguaranteed debt are not available. Public and publicly guaranteed long-term debt are aggregated. Public debt is an external obligation of a public debtor, including the national government, a political subdivision (or an agency of either), and autonomous public bodies. Publicly guaranteed debt is an external obligation of a private debtor that is guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.UND.OFFT.CD","series_name":"Undisbursed external debt, official creditors (UND, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Undisbursed debt is the total public and publicly guaranteed debt undrawn at year end; data for private nonguaranteed debt are not available. Debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"DT.UND.PRVT.CD","series_name":"Undisbursed external debt, private creditors (UND, current US$)","source_id":81,"source_name":"International Debt Statistics: DSSI","source_note":"Undisbursed debt is the total public and publicly guaranteed debt undrawn at year end; data for private nonguaranteed debt are not available. Debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"FI.RES.TOTL.CD","series_name":"Total reserves (includes gold, current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Total reserves comprise holdings of monetary gold, special drawing rights, reserves of IMF members held by the IMF, and holdings of foreign exchange under the control of monetary authorities. The gold component of these reserves is valued at year-end (December 31) London prices. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics and data files."} {"series_id":"FI.RES.TOTL.DT.ZS","series_name":"Total reserves (% of total external debt)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"International reserves to total external debt stocks.","source_organization":"World Bank, International Debt Statistics."} {"series_id":"FI.RES.TOTL.MO","series_name":"Total reserves in months of imports","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Total reserves comprise holdings of monetary gold, special drawing rights, reserves of IMF members held by the IMF, and holdings of foreign exchange under the control of monetary authorities. The gold component of these reserves is valued at year-end (December 31) London prices. This item shows reserves expressed in terms of the number of months of imports of goods and services they could pay for [Reserves/(Imports/12)].","source_organization":"International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics and data files."} {"series_id":"NY.GNP.MKTP.CD","series_name":"GNI (current US$)","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"GNI (formerly GNP) is the sum of value added by all resident producers plus any product taxes (less subsidies) not included in the valuation of output plus net receipts of primary income (compensation of employees and property income) from abroad. Data are in current U.S. dollars.","source_organization":"World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files."} {"series_id":"SP.POP.TOTL","series_name":"Population, total","source_id":2,"source_name":"World Development Indicators","source_note":"Total population is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship. The values shown are midyear estimates.","source_organization":"(1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects: 2022 Revision; (2) Statistical databases and publications from national statistical offices; (3) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics; (4) United Nations Statistics Division. Population and Vital Statistics Reprot (various years)."}